Diabetes Sufferers Find Relief With Functional Medicine Center

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By Lonnie Trevarthen

There are many people in America who suffer from thyroid disorders. According to statistics there are fifty-nine thousand who do. Considering the tiny size of this organ in the neck, it can be responsible for a large number of problems. As a prominent Dallas thyroid doctor will confirm, any such condition should not be ignored.

A long list of symptoms exist, but do not necessarily show up in everyone with the dysfunction. Therefore, it is not always easy to identify. In fact, some individuals show no symptoms. When symptoms do appear, they show up slowly and over time. Blood testing is sometimes required to recognize it. This disorder is one thing to consider if you have carpal tunnel syndrome, painful joints or your arms feel weak.

When this small gland is swollen, and you have brittle hair and dry skin, it is a strong indication of diabetes. Combine those symptoms with low energy level and super-sensitivity to the cold and it is another reason to suspect diabetes. This is especially true when you have not had those feelings in the past.

Research studies show there is a correlation between thyroid dysfunction and both type one and two diabetes. Abnormal functioning of the endocrine system may be the cause for this. It is recommended in medical circles to test for both disorders when one or the other is confirmed to be present.

It is not apparent to non-medically trained individuals how chiropractic care can be beneficial as a method to alleviate diabetes or thyroid disease. However, when the spinal column is subluxated, or misaligned, the nerve impulses needed to activate the pancreas are blocked. A series of spinal adjustments can correct this blockage.

Correcting subluxations will relieve pressure on spinal nerves, thus, allowing them to function normally. When deterioration of nerve impulses is a result of diabetes, it is easy to see the correlation. A medical physician and a practicing chiropractor often work together to provide the optimal care for a single individual.

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